Sunday, December 7, 2014

2nd LEGO Stop Motion Movie

What do homeschooling moms do for Thanksgiving week?  A) School  B)Break?  C) Both?  The answer is C.  Of course we had to do school!  Well, it was very light school, we focused more on worship and bible time.  We were able to dive into some really nice spiritual conversations, like how we need to store our treasure in heaven rather than on earth, and that we don't need to worry when our provider is our heavenly Father.  The boys had lots to ask, it was truly a delight to see their interest in God's word.  This is the vision we had and intent to keep, to focus on building their godly character and not just on academics.  Praise God for this encouragement.

Instead of the regular Language Arts lesson, I thought it would be fun for Ethan to apply all the writing and spelling skills he learned by doing a project.  He's been working on a LEGO model for a while and wanted to do another stop motion movie, so we did!  I asked him to make up characters, setting, and write the script for the movie.  We worked on it together for 3 days, did Beginning, Middle, and Ending of the story.  He had so much fun writing the dialog of the characters.  After the story was written, our whole family took part in voice acting for the movie.  Then many pictures were taken with my phone, Ethan was the one to move each character and thought of their positions.  He totally got the concept!  Lastly, the painful part goes to mommy - movie editing.  I used Movie Maker to insert all the pictures, music and voices.  It took a long time and was challenging, but it was all worth it seeing how it ended.

So here it is on Youtube.  Enjoy!