Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year reflections....

Happy New Year!  As we stepped into 2014, there are so much to reflect upon...

Dear Lord, I praise you for giving me such a fruitful year to spend with my family and friends.  Watching each kid grow into their own personalities has been amazing.  I thank you for giving Ethan such a strong sense to right and wrong, I pray that he would use this to glorify you rather than for his own righteousness.  I thank you for growing Noah's artistic talent and giving him a venue to express himself.  I pray that this will be grown and expand into something even deeper where he can use his creativity to bless others.  I thank you for growing Bethany to be such a sweet girl who's not afraid to play rough with her brothers, who is also not afraid of speaking her mind.  Help her to become a daughter who is obedient to your word over her own.

Lord, I thank you for challenging me to become a better mom this year.  It's been a great struggle not to yell and scream when things go wrong.  You have been constantly reminding me to use gentle words and I haven't always been obedient.  In this new year, I pray that your Spirit will empower me to become a mom who can use gentle words to discipline, even when things seem to be at their worst.  May the kids see the change in me and follow.  Guide me each day to use your words to teach, train, and correct rather than my own.  Help me to run to you for refuge when I feel stressed.  I look forward to all that you'll be doing in our lives this year!  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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