Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This is our first year celebrating Thanksgiving at our new house in the burbs!  It felt really nice preparing the food, not feeling stress about not having enough counter space to work with.  We had a very intimate dinner with just our in-laws and one family over.  It felt warm and fuzzy, even when the boys decided to bang their spoons against their empty bowls...singing loudly in their made-up songs.

There's so much to be thankful for this year.  I thank God for providing such a sweet home for our family, it's not a fancy house, but it had so far fulfilled the vision we had for it.  We had a purpose for every room of the house, and so far every room has been used quite often to create nice memories.  

I thank God for seeing the growth in each kid this year.  Ethan has grown to be a mature boy who can really take care of his brother and sister.  Of course there are challenging moments, especially with his attitude this last few days, but I see that he has overcome some heart issues he had just last year.

Noah is becoming such an incredibly talented artist who's been making some awesome drawings.  He's able to color very meticulously at the age of 4.  The coolest thing has been seeing him sitting there for an hour just making paper puppets ranging from animals to superheroes.  Praise God for blessing him with such talent! May he use this to bless others!

Our little Bethany has been growing tremendously with her language skills.  She's like a little parrot repeating every little things her brothers talk about.  The most amazing thing has been seeing her adoration for her brothers grow each day, and that her brothers appreciate and honor their sisters in the sweetest ways.

Lastly, I want to thank God for my husband who has been a great support in my homeschooling journey this year.  He has committed to teach Science to the boys and doing experiments with them on Saturdays.  The boys just love having daddy being their teacher!  My husband has also been able to work from home more so that he can help out.  I understand that this is a luxury and I am learning to appreciate it!

Thank you, Lord!  

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