Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sick day equals fun lessons!

The family is caught with colds again...but the boys are pretty much recovered while I just got started.  I've been so congested that it was hard to think, but I still wanted the boys to have a great learning time, so we did!  I knew I couldn't really do all the subjects, so I decided to focus on one subject per day.

Yesterday we did devotion time, prayer time, then a great fun Math lesson.  For the last 4 weeks, we've been recording the weather in our city (sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy) on a picture chart provided by the curriculum.  So yesterday we plotted the "data" into a bar graph.  They were not sure what to do at first but eventually kinda get the idea.  

To further expand the concept, I decided to make another graph by asking the boys the count the number of crayons in the boxes on the table.  We only recorded red, blue, green, and orange.  Each boy got to count their own box.  This allows them to practice counting, sorting out the colors, and doing addition as well!  After we finished plotting the graph, the boys got to learn which color we had most and least, how to read the number, as well as their ordinal position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).  It turns out we have the most blue crayons (including broken piece).


After that, I had another idea to help them learn the concept even further.  They both are really into Bey Blades and I thought it would be fun to find out which Bey Blade is the strongest, the champion.  I let them choose 4 Bey Blades they battle the most and we'll record each battle up to 10.  Whichever Bey Blade wins 10 battles first is the champion!  They even drew pictures of the Bey Blade to go with the graph.  So they've been motivated to add the winnings to the graph!  

After the fun lesson, they used their free time to make cereal box robots.  

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